The following table contains the current upload limits of Catenda Hub:
Upload Limit | File size |
Document section | 7 GB |
Ifc file | 750 MB |
Ifczip file | Stable up to 1.5 GB, no upper limit. |
Point Cloud e57 - las | 25 GB |
Creating an IfcZip
If you want to upload a file larger than 700MB you can turn your ifc into an ifczip.
To create an IfcZip, please create a zip that only contains your ifc file.
Next, change the file extension from .zip to .ifczip.
Exporting to IfcZip
Some authoring tools support Ifczip as an option when exporting IFC files.
Example abc.ifczip
Processing of large IfcZip files
If your IfcZip is larger than 1.5 GB and has problems processing it is recommended to split it into several smaller files.
If you cannot alter the file, please let us know at and we will hanldle your file on a case by case basis.
Solibri optimizer
We do not recommend using the Solibri Optimizer for large Ifc files as these might get corrupted during the optimization process.
Its better to zip tile file as explained above.
All information uploaded to Catenda Hub will be heavily optimized anyway so you will not see any gain by uploading an optimized files versus the original.