In this article you will be able to read about how your Catenda experience will change after enabling the new status workflow. Click here to read more about how you can best follow the ISO 19650 standard with this workflow.
Enabling status workflow with 'shared' revisions
The existing status workflow with 'drafts' will be discontinued in the future.
The new status workflow can be enabled in the status workflow menu of the document settings page.
By switching from status workflow with 'drafts' to status workflow with 'shared' documents, the following will happen in your projects;
Catenda Hub
Shared status
Uploads will all begin with a shared status, once shared statuses are available in the project. After uploading, shared documents can eb published.
Draft documents
Drafts will be discontinued, hence new drafts cannot be uploaded anymore
Existing drafts can still be used in old projects (with limitations)
🖥️ Shared and ✔️ Published tabs
Separate tabs (workspace and a published) will be available in the document area, where the published tab will provide only published revisions.
A new revision numbering will appear (major.minor). #0.1, #0.2 and so on for shared revisions and #1, #2, #3 and so on for published revisions.
Access control
Access rights can be set on publishing of shared revisions. This allow users to publish shared revisions and change published statuses.
Access control will appear on a folder/document level to grant users the right to publish document revisions with write access
Access rights on viewing of shared revision will be available. Here you can prohibit users with 'read access' from seeing shared revisions.
Only shared revisions can be added to an approval request
Collections can only be used for published revisions
The model area will display the tabs (workspace and a published) just like in the document area. Access rights will be inherited from documents.
Note: Please inform your project members of these changes when activating this feature on existing projects.
API clients
Latest revision
Latest revision of document (can be a shared or published) is fetched unless otherwise specified in the API call
Upload defaults
Uploads via the API will default to a shared revision, once shared statuses are available in the project.
Revision number changes
Revision numbers will be inconsistent with the revision numbers (major.minor) on Catenda Hub. You would need to update your app.
Note: Please inform your project members of these changes when activating this feature on existing projects.