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Add to home screen
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated today

The full functionality of Catenda Hub is only available through the browser.
Catenda supports being added to the home screen, dashboard or dock by installing it via a browser. This is otherwise know as a progressive web app (PWA).

This article contains contains recommended suggestions for installing Catenda as a PWA on different systems.

This article contains information about the following topics:


Installing Catenda via a browser instead of creating a shortcut gives the following benefits:

Systems that are used by multiple people

Installing Catenda Hub to your home screen lets you access Catenda in the core way applications are accessed on your system.
Having it as part of a list of available applications can help people find what apps are available on this system.

Systems with limited screen space

Installing Catenda Hub as an app that is added to the home screen saves screen space as the browser bar towards the top will be hidden.

Especially on tablets it is nice to have the full Catenda functionality available while making the most of your screen space.

iPhone & iPad - Recommended browser

On Apple devices it is often only possible to add a page to your home screen from Safari.

Navigate to the page you want to be opened when you tap on the page will be added to the home screen of your device.

Share button

Tap the Share button that can look something like this.

The share button can appear to the right of the url bar or towards the bottom of the page.

Add to home screen

In the list of options that appear, scroll down until you see and tap the Add to Home Screen action. The Add to Home Screen dialog box will appear.

Give the shortcut that will appear on your home screen a name. The link that will be opened is displayed so you can confirm it. You will also see the icon that the home screen shortcut will have.


Click on "add" when you are done.

Safari will close and you will be taken to the place where the shortcut is installed on the home screen of your iPhone or iPad.
The Catenda shortcut can look something like this on your home screen:

Note: If you ever decide you want to remove the website shortcut, you can delete it just like you would any other app on your phone.

Android - Recommended browser

By installing Catenda as an app on your device you can add it to your home screen with the Chrome browser.

In the Chrome browser, navigate to the page you want to be opened when you tap on the page will be added to the home screen of your device.

Action menu

Tap the hamburger menu (action menu with 3 dots towards the top right)

Add to home screen

In the action menu, tap Add to home screen.

Install or create shortcut

Either Install or Create shortcut

Create shortcut

Create a simple shortcut that will open the page you navigated to in the Chrome app.

Install (recommended)

Installs the page to your home screen
Installing Catenda will give you the best experience as you will not have Chrome bar towards the top. This allows you to use the whole screen of your device for browsing Catenda.

This is what the browser shortcut and installed page can look like on your home screen:


If you ever decide you want to remove the Installed website or website shortcut, you can delete it just like you would any other app on your phone.

Computer - Recommended browser

Depending on your needs Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari will work the best for you.

Note: You will need the correct rights to be able to install an application on your computer.


Chrome can be uses at it works om many operating systems like Windows, MacOs and Linux

Microsoft edge:

Microsoft Edge can be used as many employers require you to user Microsoft edge.


Safari is the recommended browser on the Mac operating system.

Give your application a name and click add in the menu that opens up.


If you ever decide you want to remove the Installed website or website shortcut, you can delete it just like you would any other app on your computer.

Add to home screen - All browsers

Not every system supports adding apps to desktop, home screen or dock with every browser. Please find help articles for how to install with different browsers below.

Web apps



iPhone & iPad


Use web apps on Windows, Mac or Linux machines.

Use web apps on android devices

Use web apps on iPhone & iPad



Use Web Apps with FireFox for Android

Add a website shortcut to home screen on iOS

Microsoft Edge

Action menu -> Swipe menu -> Add to phone

Action menu -> Swipe menu -> Add to phone








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