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Offline mode in Catenda Site
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated over a year ago

Whether it is a construction zone, railway tunnel or a deep basement of a parking garage there is a good chance you are not able to connect to the internet while using Catenda Site on your portable devices.

There are therefore several ways to be able to continue working with Catenda Site even if you are not connected to a network.

Issues in offline mode

Any information that is added to issues in offline mode will not be synchronized unless the changes are submitted through the outbox


Previously loaded issues

Issues that have previously been loaded are viewable without connection to the network.
You will know you are looking at a previously loaded issue in offline mode when you see the yellow "Offline" box to the right of the issue title.

Comments on previously loaded issues

  • It is possible to add a new comment

    • It is possible to add images to comments from Camera/photos (full access to the device required)

  • It is possible to edit your existing comment on an issue

  • It is possible to delete your comment on an issue

Editing previously loaded issues

  • It is not possible to edit existing information in issues that were loaded when you lost connection to the network.

New issues

When you loose connection to the network it is possible to make a new issue.

Making new issues

  • Keep in mind that any new information in these issues will not be loaded until you submit the outbox after connecting back to the network.

  • In a new offline issue you can:

    • Add a title

    • Select an issue board

    • Change status/type

    • Add a milestone

    • Add labels

    • Add a description

    • Add images from Camera/photos (full access to the device required)

  • If you had any models loaded before loosing connection to the network it is possible to add a location to an issue by place a marker in the 2D view of those models.

Editing and submitting new issues

  • You will know a new issue is not synchronized with the project yet if you see a cloud icon with a streak through it above the issue in an issue board.

  • You will know you are looking at a new offline issue if you see the gray bar above highest up in the issue.

  • It is possible to edit issues in offline mode that have not been submitted through the outbox yet


In an issue board on the top right of the screen you will see an outbox icon.

Local drafts

  • You can think of the issues in this list as being local drafts until they are submitted.

  • If you have made new issues or commented on an existing issue while you did not have connection to the network the issue will end up in this list.

Submitting the outbox

  • Everything you did while being offline stays on your device until you submit the outbox

  • If you submit the outbox with an internet connection your issue drafts will be submitted to the project and become visible for others in the project.

Models in offline mode

When you loose connection to the network it is possible to continue using models that have previously been loaded onto the device.

2D / 3D

Previously loaded models

  • Offline issues can be made from the 2D viewer if models were previously loaded

  • You can turn on and off previously loaded models without loosing their functionality

Documents in offline mode

When you loose connection to the network it is possible to continue using documents.

  • It is possible to view documents within your current folder in offline mode if they were previously loaded when you lost connection to the network.

  • If you go to another section of the app and come back to documents you will see that the documents in the folder are still loaded as long as you do not leave the folder.

  • If your files are not in the same folder you can make a documents collection.

    That way all the files you want to take with you to an offline area are in one place.

    They can then be pre-loaded and used in the offline area.

Projects in offline mode

You can open a project in offline mode if it has previously been loaded.
If you try to open a project that has not previously been loaded you will get the following error message when you try to open the project.

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