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Catenda SharePoint FAQ
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated over 9 months ago

This article contains frequently asked questions about SharePoint integrations in Catenda.

This article contains information about the following topics

How can SharePoint be integrated with Catenda?

There are two ways to integrate with Catenda.

Catenda SharePoint App

On SharePoint this application can be enabled for the tenant and added to a site the owner. SharePoint users will then be able to publish documents to Catenda. SharePoint owners can then also display the Catenda project document structure on SharePoint.

Catenda SharePoint Library

On Catenda, the contents of a shared folder on SharePoint can be displayed with a SharePoint library. All users in the Catenda project will be able to view the folder contents and link them to objects and topics.

How can I work with Catenda and SharePoint?

By enabling a SharePoint integration, site members will be able to use Catenda features for their documents.


By collaborating on SharePoint site documents in Catenda, SharePoint members can work together with construction project members that do not necessarily have access to the SharePoint environment.

Quick access and file viewing

The content of models, point clouds and drawings can be viewed and managed in Catenda. By accessing Catenda files from your site, members can quickly access and view any file format used in the construction industry.

Document history

Document versions that are produced by a SharePoint member can be published to Catenda. By versioning documents, construction project members can keep track of changes in the document.

Who can publish documents?

Catenda SharePoint app

If the application is turned on for a site all site members will see the publish option.

When publishing a document to Catenda, the SharePoint user will be asked to give SharePoint access to their Catenda account.

Sharing documents

After granting permission, the SharePoint members will be able to share document(s) in the SharePoint site to a part of the document section in Catenda where they have write access.

Note: it is only possible to publish single document(s)

Catenda does not get information about any of the SharePoint documents outside of the documents the way they are when they get published to Catenda by the SharePoint user.

If the document changes in SharePoint after it has been published, Catenda will not know about it unless the user chooses to publish the document again.

Catenda SharePoint library

It is not possible to publish, edit or change documents with the SharePoint library in Catenda. Catenda project members can link SharePoint library items to other parts of Catenda in the project

Who can read documents?

Catenda SharePoint app

SharePoint users

After adding the SharePoint app to a site users will be able to grant SharePoint access to their Catenda account, SharePoint can then view the documents the user has access to in Catenda so the user can choose where to publish their SharePoint documents.

If a webpart is added to a page in SharePoint users will also be able to see the parts of the documents section of the configured project where they have read access.

Catenda users

After granting access to your Catenda account through the SharePoint app, Catenda does not get access to any of the documents in SharePoint unless these are shared by the user.

Catenda SharePoint library

When configuring the SharePoint library you give Catenda access to all SharePoint documents so Catenda can know what public folder to share with this project.

When the public folder is configured all Catenda project members will have read access to the contents of that folder but will not have access to any of the other SharePoint documents.

The Catenda SharePoint library is read only and cannot change SharePoint documents Catenda project members can link SharePoint library items to other parts of Catenda in the project

The contents of the Catenda SharePoint library cannot be edited on Catenda and can only be viewed and linked to topics and objects.

What components does the app have?

The Catenda SharePoint App contains the following components:


Full Page

Teams tab

List View Command Set

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