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Catenda as an application
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated today

The full functionality of Catenda Hub is only available through the browser. Browser pages can be added to the home screen on all mobile operating systems.

This makes Catenda Hub easier to access and saves screen space as the browser bar towards the top will be hidden and Catenda will take up the full screen space available.

This article contains information about the following topics:

There are multiple ways to access Catenda Hub on mobile devices.

Below you will find the benefits of each of the different ways.

Catenda Site - Accessible and offline

On devices with limited screen size, buttons need to be larger so you see what you are tapping with your finger. In this situation our mobile app, Catenda Site, is the best tool for you.

  • Functionality is limited and kept simple so you can easily tap the buttons you need.

  • Content can be downloaded and submitted without an internet connection

Home screen / Dashboard / Dock - Full functionality

The full functionality of Catenda Hub is only available through the browser.
Catenda supports being added to the home screen, dashboard or meny bar by installing it via a browser.

Installing Catenda via a browser instead of creating a shortcut gives the following benefits:

  • Installing Catenda Hub to your home page makes more accessible as this is often the core way content is accessed on mobile devices.

  • Installing Catenda Hub as an app that is added to the home screen saves screen space as the browser bar towards the top will be hidden. This is especially useful on devices with limited screen space.

  • Especially on tablets it is nice to have the full Catenda functionality available while making the most of the screen space you have.

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