If your current plan and access allows for it, you can create a new project by signing in and on the project page, click the "New Project" button or by going to the new project page.
Otherwise, to create a new project contact Catenda support at support@catenda.com or via the chat button. The black chat button can be found on the top right inside of Catenda Hub or to the bottom right on our help/home pages to upgrade your plan.
We will guide you through creating it.
The new project page can look something like this:
This article contains information about the following topics:
Select an owner
Users with access to enterprise organizations will be able to create the amount of projects that their plan allows.
The name of the project.
Here are some suggestions of what can be added to the project name:
Often the project number is used in the beginning of the name.
Numbers in front of the name are recommended because the projects are sorted alphabetically on the projects page.
Location is often mentioned in the project name.
Type of project
For example an office building or a school.
Project phase
If there are multiple phases to this project the phase can be added to the project name.
Select a project to use as template
You can choose to inherit some of the settings of another project when making a new project.
Access required: Project member
Models - No revisions
Empty models ready to receive new revisions
Labels that can be connected to topics, models and documents.
It is useful to have the same labels in multiple projects for analysis with tools like PowerBI
Milestones - No dates
Useful when creating a new project upon a phase change that has the same milestones as the last one.
Teams - No member
Teams ready to accept members.
Access in the document structure is also distributed through teams.
Topic boards - Including statuses and types, but no topics
Boards that are set up and ready to be used for communication.
Boards can lie archived until they are ready to be used.
Folder structure
Copy the names and structure of the template project folders without its documents.
Access required: Full access to the template project
Document status configuration
Public document statuses can be used to keep track of the progress of a document.
Draft document statuses can be used for approvals.
Document and topic board access control
This will copy the access control for the following options (if selected)
Folder structure
Topic boards
Access required: Full access to the template project
What will be included:
Defined access for "Teams". (If teams are selected)
Other access settings. ("All users", "Owners", etc...)
What will not be included:
Defined access for "Users"
Custom fields and naming conventions
Custom fields can be shown in issues and used in naming conventions.