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Previewing file types on Catenda Hub
Previewing file types on Catenda Hub
Julien Benoit avatar
Written by Julien Benoit
Updated over 2 months ago

For our model viewer we only support IFCs.
All file types can be uploaded to our document section.

Note: IFC, Point cloud (e57, las) and GML previews can be loaded in the 3D viewer.

This article contains information about the previewing of the following file formats:

Open file formats

At Catenda we like to work with Open Standards so that everyone can work together regardless of the software they own.

Typically, anybody can participate in their development due to their inherently open nature (Wikipedia)

This means that it is not just one organization controlling what gets developed.

Open 3D file formats

3D formats



Point Cloud documents

e57, las

A 3D preview of points with color data in Point clouds can be previewed.

Point Cloud 3D view

Point clouds can be viewed together with other 3D files in the 3D viewer.

GML documents

gml (CityGML), city.json (CityJSON), gmlzip (CityGML zip)

A 3D preview of solids and surfaces in CityGML files can be previewed.

GML 3D view

GML files can be viewed together with other 3D files in the 3D viewer.

IFC Documents

ifc (any), ifczip (any)

IFC files that are uploaded to the documents section will show a preview of the IFC 3D view. If a model is created from the document it will be possible to see information about objects like properties and GUIDs so they can be linked to topics.

IFC Models

ifc, ifczip

See versions below

In the table below you will find all the versions of IFC that we support.





IFC 4.3


Latest official version.

IFC 4.2


Processed as IFC 4.0

IFC 4.1


Processed as IFC 4.0

IFC 4.0


IFC 2.3


This was the last official version of IFC 2 made in 2005. Now retired but still used by many.

IFC 2.2


IFC 2.1


IFC 2.0



IFC versions

Depending on the status of the IFC version, we support the version in different ways:

Official, Retired - Full support. All official and retired IFC versions are supported.

Withdrawn - Partial support. Models are processed according to the last official version.

Under development - No support. These might still change before being published.

You can find what IFC releases are official here

Official BuildingSMART sample IFC files can be found here

Points in point clouds can be previewed either with color or intensity.

Open 2D file formats

2D formats



BCF Topics

bcfzip (bcf 2.0), bcf (bcf 2.1, bcf 3,0)

PDF Documents

pdf (1.x to 2.0), pdf/a (1,2,3), xfdf, fdf

Pdf comments will be visible when uploading a pdf. Only the cover page of a PDF portfolio will be displayed.

Image Documents

png, gif (static image only)

Images in topic descriptions and comments

png, gif (animated)

Add links to public images in the comment of text in a description or comment of a topic

Images in topic viewpoints

png, gif (static image only)

You can attach an image to a comment of a topic.

Open office Documents

odt, ods

Rich text Documents


Plain text Documents


Proprietary file formats

There are a lot of file format standards developed by organizations that are used by many.

It is important for us that it is easy to use Catenda. We therefore do our best to support as many of the most common filetypes that are used.

Proprietary formats



Image Documents

bmp, wmf, emf, jpg, tif, tiff

Images in topic descriptions and comments

bmp, jpg

Add Links to images in topic descriptions or comments

Images in topics viewpoints


Attach images to a comment of a topic.

Autodesk Documents

dwg, dxf, dwf

Vector graphics will be displayed with cad formats

Bentley Documents


Vector graphics will be displayed with cad formats

Microsoft documents

doc, xls, ppt, pub

Microsoft Office Open XML

docx, pptx, xlsx, xlsm

If there are macros in the xlsm the content cannot be previewed.

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