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Formatting of posts
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated over a week ago

The same formatting rules apply for the different posts around Catenda Hub.

Posts can include issue descriptions, comments approval descriptions and approval comments.
Variations can apply with the different access to who can edit the post.

Catenda uses markdown to format text.

This means that certain characters before and after sentences will affect the styling of the text.

Note: Many of the methods require a blank newline before it

The following topics will be described in this articled in this article:

Styling text

The following methods allow you to style your text:

Bold, italics, strikethrough

**This will be bold** 
__This will also be bold__
*This will be italics*
_This will also be italics_
**This will be bold _combined with italics_**
~~This text will be stiked through~~

This will be bold
This will also be bold
This will be italics
This will also be italics
This will be bold combined with italics
This text will be stiked through


## in front of some text will make a header


Links in descriptions will be green and underlined.

Their text can be different than the url that the link points to.

Urls will be automatically turned into clickable links

will become


[Catenda Hub](

will become:

Preventing formatting

By wrapping words in non letter of number characters you can make them look different.

This is not always desired.

If you put a \ in front of such a character, the \ will disappear.

Any formatting that would have been applied for these characters will then stop working.

If you put a \ on an empty line that is not part of a list the result will still be an empty line as well.

Breaking up text and adding structure

The following methods let you enhance your text by breaking it up and adding structure:


Images in descriptions can have a link attached to them.

To embed images you can use this syntax


to get this image with the word text behind it.



Unordered lists

Start an unordered list with a blank line above it, then either hyphen (-), plus (+), or an asterix (*) followed by a space.

Insert 4 spaces or a tab space at the start of the line to create a sublist.

- First element 
- Second element
- Insert 4 spaces at the start of the line to create a sublist.


+ First element 
+ Second element
+ Insert 4 spaces at the start of the line to create a sublist.


* First element 
* Second element
* Insert 4 spaces at the start of the line to create a sublist.

Will all turn into this:

  • First element

  • Second element

    • Insert 4 spaces at the start of the line to create a sublist.

Ordered lists

Start an ordered list with a blank line above it, a number, a period and a space (1. )

What the number in front is, does not matter, just that it’s a number followed by a period.

Insert 4 spaces or a tab space at the start of the line to create a sublist.

1. item one 
2. item two
3. item three
4. item four


1. item one 
1. item two
1. item three
1. item four


1. item one 
10. item two
1. item three
1000. item four

Will all turn into this:

  1. item one

  2. item two

  3. item three

    4. Item four

The number you start with does not affect where the numbering begins

23. twenty-three 
1. twenty-four
1. twenty-five
1. twenty-six

Will turn into:

  1. twenty-three

  2. twenty-four

  3. twenty-five

    4. twenty-six

If you wish to reset the numbering and start from one again on a second list within the same post you can put a blank or a divider in between.

To make sure the list does not get formatted so you can use your own numbering:

Put a character on the line above the list. A good choice is \ because it will disappear.

23. twenty-three
24. twenty-four
25. twenty-five
26. twenty-six

Put a backslash (\) before the period (.):

23\. twenty-three 
24\. twenty-four
25\. twenty-five
26\. twenty-six

Will all turn into:

23. twenty-three

24. twenty-four

25. twenty-five

26. twenty-six


Three dashes --- or more on their own line will create a divider:


These can be checked in the description by anyone with write access to the issue board.

- [ ] first item 
- [x] second item
- [ ] sublist item

Will turn into this:

Click here to watch a quick video on how checklists can be used in the project.

Checklists in comments cannot be clicked on to be checked as only the comment author is allowed to edit their comment.
If you write - [ ] or - [x] the box will still apear unchecked and checked when the comment is submitted or saved after editing.

Checkboxes in comments

In comments can only be checked by formatting and can only be changed by the commentor as they are the only one that can edit the comment.


Text in descriptions can be ordered in tables.

|            | Windows            ||             | 
| | Type 1 | Type 2 | Sum total |
|----------- | -------- | -------- | ----------- |
| **Price** | 500,- | 400,- | |
| **Amount** | 10 | 4 | |
| **Sum** | 5 000,- | 1 600,- | **6 600,-** |

will result in this


Type 1

Type 2

Sum total








5 000,-

1 600,-

6 600,-

Code blocks

You can insert single lines of code like this:
Two ` surrounding text will look like this:

Three backticks ``` above and below a bit of text will look like this:

It is not possible to add tables in code blocks

Markdown dialect

If you would like to know more about how text is formatted in comments and descriptions we use the markdown dialect "flexmark" to format this text.
Find out more about flexmark on their github page.

@ Mentioned members and teams

You can mention a user by typing @ and writing the account name of the user.

By clicking on a mentioned user or team you will be taken to the member page of that user or team page of that team.

Users and teams mentioned in the description of an issue will automatically follow the issue and thereby get notifications about future changes in the issue. This is a great way to ensure that more than just the assignee and requestee get notifications about future changes an issue.

# Tagged issues

You can tag issues by typing # and writing the number of the issue

After pressing enter tagged issues will then look like #[123] in the edited text. You can also manually write it like this.

After posting the text the link will dynamically show the color, status, title and issue number of the issue as well as contain a clickable link to this issue.

When you tag an issue that issue will be added to related issues in the right side panel.

The issue that was tagged will also have the issue where it was tagged in its list of related issues.

Issues can manually be removed from related issues.

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