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Table View in an topic board
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated over 2 months ago

You can find the table view of an topic board on the topics page.

By default the list view is displayed.

To show the table view click on Table view (4)

The following topics will be described in this articled in this article:

This is what a topic board looks like in table view.

When a topic is updated you can fetch the changes.
There will then be an animation of new topics sliding in and deleted topics sliding out

Topic selection

1. Selecting topics with selection box

Select a checkbox to select an topic from the list.

You can also click anywhere in the row of the topic where there is no link to select it.

Row select

After having selected an topic you can shift + click to select all topics in between.

Edit selection

You can also ctrl + click to add/remove topic to the selection

Selected item action menu

After selecting a topic you will see the selected item action menu appear towards the top of the list. Click here for what each action does:

2. Select all

Select all topics in the topic board(s)

When you open an topic board 100 topics are loaded. If you scroll down past 100 topics you will load more topics. The first time you check this box you will select all topics you have loaded. If you have many topics in your board and do not want to scroll to load them all you can click on select all in filter which will appear next after "topics selected" when you check the selection box.

6. Columns dropdown

On the top right of the topics table you will find the "Columns" dropdown.

With this dropdown you can rearrange and toggle the columns of the table.

Your preference for column rearrangement and toggle will be remembered across topic boards and projects and is stored in your account.
This means that it will still have that order if you close and re-order your browser.

If you have accidentally hidden a column by dragging it out of the table you can turn it on again here.

By default all columns are on and in this order:

  • Checkbox - Default - Click on this column to add a document to your selection.

  • # - Default - Topic index

  • Title - Default - The title of the topic

  • Assigned to - Default - The assignee of the topic

  • Status - Default - The status of the topic

  • Topic board - Default - The topic board the topic exists in.

Note: If you are in a topic board this will always be the same board. This column can be useful in the all topics board.

  • Due date - Default - The due date of the topic

  • Requested by - Default - The requestee of the topic

  • Labels - Default - The labels set on the topics

Note: If your labels do not fit in the column it will show three dots you can click on to see which labels are on the topic.

  • Type - Default - The type of the typic

  • Created by - Default - The member that created the topic

  • Created - Default - The date and time the topic was created

  • Milestone - Default - The milestone set on the topic

  • Updated - Default - The date and time the topic was last updated

  • Comment count - The amount of comments on the topic

  • Document count - The amount of documents linked to the topic

  • Custom fields - Default - One column per added custom field see topic board settings.

3. Header row


By clicking on the header of a column it is possible to sort by that column.

Clicking on it again will sort it the other way

By default the Created column will be sorted.

If you change your sorting preference it will be remembered until next time you open the topic board.

Dragging column headers

Column headers can be dragged left and right to be rearranged.

You can drag the column header out of the table to disable the column.

You can enable the column again in the column dropdown on the top right.

Column width

When you hover your mouse over the line between two columns you can drag to change the width of a column.

Your preference for width of column will be remembered across topic boards and projects and is stored in your account.
It is possible to double click on the area between two columns to auto-fit the text within the column.

Cursor change
You will know you are hovering over the right place when your cursor changes to a resize pointer

4. List view

Swap between List view or Table view

5. Compact view

Compact view can be useful for screens with lower resolutions

Scroll bars

7. Vertical scroll bar

Drag this bar to scroll the topic board horizontally

8. Horizontal scroll bar and summation row

See the sum of all values in a custom field column

Drag this bar to scroll the topic board vertically

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