It is possible to find the page of a team on the right side of the members page.
This article contains information about the following topics:
Team profile
The title of the first menu of the teams page will have the name of the team.
Administrators will be able to change the name of the team by clicking on it.
By clicking on the Upload avatar button you will be able to upload a team profile image.
Here administrators will be able to add or remove members to the team one at a time.
A member can also be assigned teams when they get invited so they automatically get assigned to their team.
Delete team
Only administrators will se this menu where they will have the option to delete the team.
Issues that are assigned to this team
model revisions uploaded by members of this team.
Permission settings
Administrators will be able to grant this team administrator settings.
Keep in mind that this overwrites member settings so you might still see this user as a regular member on the users member page although they are an administrator in the project.