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Catenda Desktop connector
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated over a week ago

Note: The installation file for this application can be found here

With the Catenda desktop connector you can schedule up- and downloads of the latest versions of documents.

This article contains information about the following:

Instant up/downloads

The Desktop Connector lets you upload files from your local system to a specified folder on Catenda Hub. You can also select a number of folders on Catenda Hub to download to a location on your local machine.

Uploading speed

Uploading files with the Desktop connector is faster at file transfer than the regular upload process as the files are imported via the API instead of via the browser.

It is therefore the best way to upload your files if you are uploading a large amount of data at once.

Successful uploads

If you drag-and-drop multiple files or use the zip-upload feature on Catenda Hub you are uploading one big set of data.

The larger the upload the longer you have to wait before you can submit your files into the Catenda Hub document structure.

One file at a time

By uploading files from a folder structure one file at a time the Desktop Connector you can pause the upload jon and continue it later.

Lower the risk for upload failures

The larger the upload the higher the risk that it fails as well. Maybe your power goes out, maybe your internet connection breaks for a split second. Then you would have to start the upload all over again.


You can schedule when your files are uploaded or downloaded at regular intervals.

Local system -> Catenda Hub

The desktop connector will make sure that either the file on your local system are up-to-date with your Catenda Hub project.

Catenda Hub -> Local system

It can also work the other way where the connector ensures you always have the latest version of your Catenda Hub documents on your local system.

Sign in

When you first open the Desktop connector you will be asked to sign in.

If you click on the sign in button your default browser will open with a page that asks you to log in to your Catenda Hub account.

After logging in or if you were already logged in you will be asked to grant access to your Catenda account.

After clicking on allow access you will be asked to open the desktop connector app.

You will then be redirected back to the Desktop Connector home page.

Home page

When you start up the Desktop connector it will look like this:

Wake up PC

Wake up the PC from sleep mode if a task is scheduled to run at that time.

Run on startup

To run the desktop connector on startup, select this option

Log out

Click on the log out button on the bottom right to log out.

Project list

Here you see an overview of your projects and the number of up- and download tasks you have set for each project.

Click on the name of a project to see your current up- and download tasks or to schedule a new task.

Synchronize button

If you have recently joined a new project you can click this synchronize button to load in the new list of projects you are part of.

Upload task

With this task you can schedule a periodic upload of files from your system to Catenda Hub

Download task

With this task you can schedule a periodic download of files from Catenda Hub to your system.

The downloaded documents will end up on your system unzipped.

Back button

Click this button to go back to the home page

Task List

Here you can see your current up- and download tasks

Back button

Click this button to go back to the home page

Log Folder

This button opens the folder location of the Desktop Connector logs on your system.


Document name

Please make sure that you do not have the character \ in your document name.

This character is part of the file path hierarchy in Windows which causes the document to end up in the wrong place.

Server project location empty

In order to synchronize your local files to a project you have to have at least one folder in the documents section of the project on Catenda Hub.

Folder permissions

If you do not have the right permissions for your folder you might run into an error.
Right click the folder you are trying to download to and allow the right permissions.

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