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Revisions in namingconvention
Nils Aleweiler avatar
Written by Nils Aleweiler
Updated over 8 months ago

With the naming convention, it is requested or desired that everything is uniquely named, checked and then uploaded. However, blocks such as the date or the revision are constantly changing. So how to handle this usecase?
There are two options:

  1. Keep each document as a single document

  2. Switch off" the Date block in the naming convention. This works in the Document recognition column. This block is then not included in the query. It is then also not displayed in the name (document area).

    To do this, you can display the "Name de Revision" column, which shows the original name.

Tip: If it has not been changed, every member sees the same default view. If you turn on/off different columns this setting is only saved for you and not for the other members of the project.

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