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Desktop Connector
Connects your desktop to Catenda
Schedule downloads from the document repository on Catenda to a defined destination on your PC
Schedule uploads from a defined destination on your PC to the document repository on Catenda
Run these scheduled downloads and uploads on a daily basis
Access to all your Catenda projects
Exchange topics between Catenda and Navisworks
Locate clash objects in Navisworks
Create BCF topics from clashes in Navisworks
Access the document library on Catenda to open any file format supported by Navisworks
Access all models revisions (not only latest)
Save your NWD file directly to Catenda
Consolidate viewpoints when you create a topic from a group or multiple clashes (create one viewpoint with all clashes)
Access to all your Catenda projects
Exchange topics between Catenda and Revit
Export IFC models to Catenda
Locate clash objects in Revit
Create BCF topics (2D and 3D) in Revit
Find the first step in getting started on the help center or in the help menu.