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Invite members page
Julien Benoit avatar
Written by Julien Benoit
Updated over 7 months ago

This page can be found by clicking on the invite members button on the top right of the members page. The members page is a sub menu of the project settings page.

Access required: Access to inviting new members on the project settings page.

This article contains information about the following topics:

Invite one member

Follow the steps below to invite a new member.

1. Fill in the email address of the member you would like to invite

2. Press enter or click on the email with the left mouse button.

3. Optional - Invite either a Member or an Administrator.

Only administrators will be able to invite other administrators.

Access required: Project administrator

4. Optional - Select teams

Choose the teams the member should be apart of.

If you assign an invited member to a team, already before they become part of the project, they will be added to the team as soon as the accept the invitation.

Because access control is configured via teams in many parts of Catenda Hub this can be a good strategy to make sure that the invited member sees the parts of the project they should have access to as soon as they join the project.

Access required: Project administrator

5. Press the Add button

Important: You have to press the add button for at least one member to be able to send the invitation

6. Optional - Choose in which language you would like the default text of the invitation to be in. This can be useful if the recipient of the invitation speaks a different language than the one you use on Catenda hub.

7. Optional - Write a message to go along with the invitation

8. Click the send invites button

Note: If the send invites button is light green and your mouse pointer turns into a prohibition pointer it is either because the email is not valid, the member is already part of the project, or you have not clicked on Add yet.

Invite a group of members

If the group will have the same role and be the part of the same team, you can then fill in more than one email address.

  1. Fill in the email address and press enter, do the same for each new email address

    1. You can also fill in a comma separated list of email addresses and press enter to add multiple addresses at the same time.

  2. Choose the role/access for the new members

  3. Choose the teams the members should be apart of.

  4. Press the Add button

  5. If there is a member(s) with a different role or team, there is a new line to add that member(s) after pressing the add button.

  6. Click the send invites button


If invitation recipients do not have an account yet they will be able to follow the link in the email they have been sent. Doing so will ask them to make an account (do not worry, all settings can be changed later) and add them as a member in the project.

Users with an account will also be able to click on the notification generated when the invitation was sent to join the project.

When the user accepts the invitation all administrators will receive a notification that a member of the project invited a user.

Pending invites

After an invitation has been sent the recipient's email address can be fund in the pending invites menu on the right of the invite members page.

Here you will be able to see which member sent the invitation and when they sent it.


If you are unsure if the invitation has arrived you can choose to re-send the invitation by clicking on the resend button.

The same email with the same invitation link will then be sent to the invitation recipient.


If you no longer wish that the person to whom the invitation was sent joins the project you can revoke the invitation. Clicking the revoke button will remove this invitation from the pending invitations list.

The link in the email that was sent will no longer accept the user to the project after clicking this button.

Adding organization members

Organization owners will be able to add organization members that already have an account in Catenda to the project without having to invite them via email.
This way you do not have to wait for them to accept the invitation.

Click here to read more about inviting organization members.

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