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Topic body - The content of a topic
Topic body - The content of a topic
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated over a month ago

If you select an topic from an topic board a new window will appear for that topic.

This is what an topic can look like:

1. On the top of the page in an topic you will find the topic banner.
2. You will find the topic body below the Topic header.

3. To the right of the topic body and header you will find the right information panel.

4. The topic body will be discussed in this article.

The following topics will be described in this articled in this article:

Progress bar

The progress bar shows the progress of checked checkboxes and resolved topics in the description of the topic.

For a short video tutorial about check lists see here


The topic description follows the general formatting rules of posts.

Edit description

Click on the pencil on the top right of the topic content to edit the description

For more information about formatting options edit the description and click on the question mark.
You will also be able to find formatting information in this article.

Access required: Write access to the topic board

Created by

The creator of the topic and the time it was created. To get a more specific time go to account settings.

Show history

If you are ever curious if an topic has changed you can show the history of the topic by clicking on the show history button to the bottom right of the topic description.

See this article for what topic history is possible to see on Catenda Hub.


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Text in comments follow the general rules for formatting of posts with a minor difference when it comes to checklists.

Attachment pop-out

If you left click on the image of an attachment you open the image pop-out

Navigate between images from different comments in this topic with the left/right navigation arrows

Click download to download the image (you cannot right click the image to save it)

Pin the image pop-out on with the pin icon on the top right to keep the image pop-out open while navigating to other parts of Catenda Hub.

Close the image pop-out by clicking on the x top right, clicking on close bottom right or pressing esc on the keyboard.

A comment can have one of the following 3 attachments:


Adding an image to a comment

You can either click the plus next to the comment box and image to choose an image from your local hard drive or copy-paste an image to attach it to the comment. This option is always available.

Connect image to 3D

When you add an image to a comment it will say "No viewer connection" under the image unless you load a model in the 3D viewer. This text will then say "Connect to 3D viewpoint". You can now connect it to objects and a position in the viewer.
If you submit this comment you will be able to play back the viewpoint by clicking on the play button. Please make sure to add your annotations after connecting to 3D.

Image pop-out

The image that is attached to the comment after the comment is submitted can be popped-out to see a its contents in a larger format and download it after it has been submitted.

Deleting an image from a comment

You cannot edit or delete a picture that is attached to a comment.
If you want to remove the picture from the topic you will have to delete the whole comment.

2D or 3D snapshots

By clicking on the plus button next to the comment field you can add a 2D or 3D snapshot

Adding a 2D or 3D snapshot to a comment

If you have a model loaded in 3D you can attach a 3D snapshot to your comment.

If you have the 2D viewer opened up you can attach a 2D snapshot to your comment.

This is what a 3D snapshot can look like. 2D snapshots will have the same buttons but with an image of the 2D viewer attached.

Click here to read more about snapshot configuration


When an annotation comment is added to an topic the annotated document will automatically be linked in the related documents.

A comment with an annotation will have:

Gray annotation header

  • Name and revision of the annotated document

    • If the annotation is made on a PDF comparison you see which two revisions are compared here.

  • The page that the annotations are on

  • The amount of annotations on the page

Picture with a preview of the annotation in the document

Annotation comment

The annotation comment follows the general rules for formatting of posts with a minor difference when it comes to checklists.

Image pop-out

The image that is attached to the comment after the comment is submitted can be popped-out to see a its contents in a larger format and download it after it has been submitted.

New comment

If you add an attachment to a comment and open the attachment pop-out before submitting it you will see that you can annotate the image conected to the attachement.

  1. By clicking on the add button, you can add a 2D/3D snapshot or picture from your hard drive.
    The 2D/3D snapshot comes from the latest camera angle in the 3D/2D viewer. By opening the 3D button in navigation viewer. You can navigate your way through the model to the topic in question and pressing the add button choosing the 2D/3D snapshot and then the snapshot will appear.

  2. If you left click on the snapshot you have taken, you have the option to add annotations to the image. Under the image a toolbar will appear with the tools to draw the specific point of the topic in more detail.

  3. The text box besides the add button is to write a comment, mention people be typing @name or link to other topics by typing #link.

Comment hamburger menu

Editing a comment

Only the author of a comment can edit their own comment.

It is only possible to edit the text in a comment

If you want to remove the picture from a comment the whole comment will have to be deleted

Deleting a comment

Only the author of a comment can delete their own comment

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