Custom field page
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated yesterday

You will be able to find the page of a custom fields by clicking on the respective field on the custom fields page which you can find as a sub page to the project settings page.

Creating a custom field will let you add it to an issue board.

Issues in this board will then get a new field in the header.

You will also be able to see a column in the issue board table view and you will be able to filter for these fields.

This page contains information about the following topics:

Top buttons

The top buttons can be found on the top right of a custom field's page

New custom fields - Make a new custom field

Archive - Archive this custom field

Text custom field

A text custom field can contain any text

Integer custom field

An integer custom field can only contain whole numbers

Decimal number custom field

A decimal number field will display up to 6 numbers after the comma.

If there are more than 6 numbers after the comma scientific notation will be used.

Dropdown custom field

If you add a "dropdown" field, you will need to add the values from your list afterwards.

Click on your "dropdown" field type

1. Click on "Add an option".

2. The name of your value

3. Validate with this button checkpoint

4. You also have the possibility to add several options to your dropdown list by clicking on "add multiple options".

5. Specify a separator, in this example "-".

6. Enter the values to be added

If you keep up to 10 values you will be able to filter for each specific value.

With more than 10 values you will only be able to filter on if this dropdown field has been given a value or not.

After clicking add, your values will be added!

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