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Exporting topics to PDF
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated over 6 months ago

Topics can be exported to PDF by clicking on the PDF option in the Export topics dialogue.

The PDF export will let you export a report of your topics.

This export option is useful to have an easily readable version of topics and can be used for archiving purposes or to report to authorities.

This page includes information about the following topics:

Settings that affect all pages of the PDF

These settings affect all pages of the PDF


The logo on the top left of every page of the PDF will be the Catenda logo by default.

Clicking on the logo or on on the top right will take you to the projects page. It is possible to upload a custom logo on the project settings page to get your own logo to show up here.


The PDF export will be in the language that you have configured in your account preferences.

Topic order

If you have sorted the topics in your topics board in any way, the order the topics will appear in the report will reflect the order in which you have sorted your topic board.

Front page

The downloaded PDF will contain a front page.

Here you will see the profile picture of the project along with the following export details:

The front page can look something like this:

Project name

The name of the project


The amount of topics and from which topic board they were exported. Clicking the topic board name will take you to that topic board.

Time of export

The UTC timezone time when the pdf export was made.

Topics overview

Below the topics that are part of this export will be listed.

Clicking the name of the topic will take you to that topic on Catenda Hub.

Topic pages

A page for every topic with all the detail of each topic will be added after the front page.

A typical topic page can look something like the following:


Topic and then the number of the topic.

Topic headers

The header of the topics contains all the header fields including any custom fields that are added to the topic board.


If there are any topics that are linked to the topic you will see them listed here with links to each topic in Catenda.

Note: These topics are not necessarily included in the report as they might be from different topic board with different access settings.


If there are any documents that are linked to the topic you will see them listed here with links to each document in Catenda.


The description of the topic


If any comments have been placed on the topic you will see them here.

First you will see the username of the comment author, and the date they posted the comment followed by any images that are attached and the text of the comment.

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