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Catenda SharePoint Application - Webpart
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated yesterday

With the Catenda webpart you can browse the document section of a Catenda project within a SharePoint page.
Catenda Access required: Read to brows the document structure and write to upload SharePoint files to Catenda.

This article contains information about the following topics:

Adding the webpart

Edit an existing or create a new page in SharePoint and edit it.
Hover over your page in edit mode until you see a line with a plus ----+-----

If the Catenda SharePoint application is added to your site you will be able to find the the Catenda Document Webpart in your list of webparts.

You will then be able to and add a Catenda webpart.

If you have not already authorized your Catenda account you will be asked to authorize it.

Read more about how to authorize your account below.

After authorizing your account credentials, click on Open webpart settings or click on the pencil icon to select the Catenda project for which the SharePoint page visitors will be able to see the documents section.

This is what a configured webpart can look like when it is added:



The path towards the top of the webpart shows the project that has been configured for this webpart and your current folder structure location.


Click on any of the elements to go back to that part of the folder structure.

Clicking on the name of a folder to open that folder.

Clicking on the name of a document to open it directly in Catenda.

Document table

the document table can look something like this:

If you have selected any elements you will see the amount of selected elements towards the top of the documents table.

Selecting documents and folders

Clicking anywhere outside of the name of the element in a row will select that row.

Hold shift to select all items between the last selected item and the item you click on.
Hold control to add/remove elements to your selection.

Catenda access settings

Each user has their own access in Catenda so some of your project members might see different folders and documents than others.

Actions in the webpart

On the top left of the webpart you will be able to find the following actions:

Create folder

Creates a folder in the part of the document structure you are in.

Catenda access required: Write access

Upload file

After clicking this a file navigator will open up, and you can select which document(s) you want to upload. After uploading the document you will see it both in Catenda and in the webpart. You will not see the uploaded file in the SharePoint document area this way. Only in Catenda.

Catenda access required: Write access

You can drag and drop files from your system onto a destination in the Webpart in order to upload these files to Catenda.

Note: If you drag and drop a folder it will be published as a zip file.

If you wish to upload a folder structure you will have to download it from SharePoint and upload it to Catenda either via the zip upload or Desktop Connector.


If someone else has made changes in the Catenda project, it could be that you do not see them yet. In that case it can be a good idea to reload the webpart to get the most up-to-date information.

Publish to SharePoint

Publish your selected documents from Catenda to SharePoint

Clicking this button will open the publish to SharePoint dialogue:

Towards the top of the dialogue you will see how many elements you are publishing.

New location

Choose 'New location' if you wish to publish the selected files to a new location within SharePoint.

Show existing targets

If the files were already published before and you want to update previously published files, you should choose 'Show existing targets'.


After configuring the location you want to publish to, click publish.

Catenda access

No access to the Catenda project

If you do not have access to the configured project you will see the following error.

The blurred part is the project GUID.

If there are none, or you do not have access to any documents in the project it will say "No Content - folder is empty".

No access to creating folders

If you do not have write access to the folder you are in and try to create a new subfolder you will see this:

No access to uploading files

If you do not have write access to the folder or document and try to upload a file you will see this:

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