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Filtering on the documents page
Julien Benoit avatar
Written by Julien Benoit
Updated over 8 months ago

The search and filter option you will see in the top part of the window. You search by writing the name of the document or you can write the name of a label that you know is pinned to the document.

The following topics will be described in this article:

In the search bar you can search for any document you have access to.

Filter left panel

By clicking the filter button a panel will appear on the left side. By checking the boxes of you will narrow down the search.

These filters can be saved at the top of the filter list.

When you apply any of these filters the filter text will be added to your URL.

If you share this URL the person opening it will see the same filter in the same folder as you are seeing if they have access to it.

When you hover over any of the filters in the left panel you can click on only on the right of the filter to remove any other, previously applied, filters.

Saved filters

Click here to read more about how to save a set of filters


Note: The URL changes depending on what filters you have applied.

This makes it so you can share your current filtered issue board with other users that are part of the project.

If multiple of the same filters selected they are separated by a ,

If multiple filters are selected they are separated by &

Different filters and their URL equivalents:


Linked - associations=exists&subFolders=true

Unlinked - associations=does-not-exist&subFolders=true

Linked to selected objects - link=backlink&subFolders=true

Selecting this filter will open the 3D viewer panel

Document status - Status workflow only

Missing status - documentStatus=does-not-exist&subFolders=true

Published status name - documentStatus=<Published status GUID>&subFolders=true

Drafts - Status workflow only

Has new drafts - newDrafts=exists&subFolders=true

Draft status name - newDrafts=<Draft status GUID>&subFolders=true

If you have multiple draft statuses you can filter per draft status

Has no new drafts - newDrafts=does-not-exist&subFolders=true


Is model - model=is-model&subFolders=true

Is not model - model=is-not-model&subFolders=true

Created by

Member name - owner=<Member GUID>&subFolders=true

Published by

Member name - publishedBy=<Member GUID>&subFolders=true

Date filters

Published - publishedAtFrom=<UTC timestamp>&publishedAtTo=<UTC timestamp>

Click on select dates to select dates in between which you would like to search

Click here to learn more about the date filter

Open approvals - Status workflow only

Approval name - approval=<Approval number>&subFolders=true


Label name - labels=<Label GUID>6&subFolders=true

Label group name

Label name - labels=<Label GUID>6&subFolders=true


Deleted - deleted=deleted&subFolders=true

See here how to search for deleted documents

Text search

You can search for complete matches of text in file names that are at least 3 characters long

Text search

Text search - search=test&subFolders=true

File types

If you want to search for a file type you can search for example .ifc

.ifc - search=.ifc&subFolders=true


Documents can be sorted by clicking the header of each column.

The header can be clicked multiple times to revert or disable the sorting.

Title, a-z - Default

Name, z-a - sort=name-desc

Published, newest first - sort=publishedAt-desc

Published, oldest first - sort=publishedAt-asc

Created, newest first - sort=createdAt-desc

Created, oldest first - sort=createdAt-asc

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