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Inspect menu
Julien Benoit avatar
Written by Julien Benoit
Updated over 7 months ago

You will be able to find the inspect menu as the first menu in the information panel.

To get started, please select an object in the 3D viewer or tree panel to display its properties and related information in the inspect menu.

After selecting an object, the inspect panel can look something like this:

This article contains information about the following topics:

Selecting more than one object shows common topics, properties, quantities, materials or libraries.

Your preference for which menu you have opened in the inspect menu will be remembered across projects and sessions.

That means that, no matter if you have closed the browser and re-opened or which project you are in, the same menus will always be open when you select an object.


In the identification menu you will see all the identification data for the selected object.

Identification will only be displayed for one object at a time.


The name of the object


The tag of the object


The entity type of the object


The GUID of the object. This code is unique for each object and can be used to identify the object throughout revisions of the IFC file.


The type of the object. Each type has its own unique GUID. Two objects that look like they have the same type might therefore actually have different types with different GUIDs connected to them.

Click the type to select all objects of that type.

Doing so will activate the type tree in the trees panel where you can see the type you have selected in the list of types for that model.

Predefined type

The predefined type tells you about what kind of type you are dealing with


If your object is part of a hierarchy you will see the parent node in the hierarchy here.

Click on the parent node to select all objects contained by that parent node.

Doing so will activate the containment tree in the trees panel where you can see the containment node in the hierarchy of the objects in your model.


In the topics menu you will be able to see if there are any open or closed topics that are related to your selected object(s).

The topics menu can look something like this:

New topic

Click the + button to create a new topic in the current topic board.

If you create a topic like this, your selected objects will automatically be related to the topic so you will not have to manually link them.

Clicking on open, closed, your profile picture or the unassigned picture will filter the all topic boards according to what you clicked on.

Open topics

The amount of open topics that your selected object is related to


The amount of closed topics that your selected object is related to

Profile picture

The amount of open topics that are related to your selected objects that you have been assigned to


The amount of open topics that are related to your selected objects without an assignee

Properties, Quantities and Materials

Here you can find the properties the selected objects have in common.

The properties menu can look something like this:

Filter empty values button

Click the filter icon to hide properties that do not have any values.

Display type value button

If your selected object(s) have any properties inherited from the object type you will see the display type value button.

Activate this button to show the properties that were inherited from the type.
When this button is activated you will see the type value like so:

Property values

All common property-value pairs of the selected objects will be displayed.

If values are only present in one of the objects, that property will only be displayed if the object with that value is selected.

Property sets

In the property list you can either find separate properties or property sets (PSets) that contain several properties each with its own value.

As you see in the image above, the first 4 properties were separate properties followed by three property sets with properties in them.

Expanding/retracting property sets

Property sets can be expanded or retracted by clicking on the arrow next to its name.

As long as your selected objects have property set your expand/retract preference will be remembered, but as soon as you select an object without the property set it will be reset.


Here you can find the quantities the selected objects have in common


Here you can find the materials the selected objects have in common


If your selected object(s) are linked to any documents or library items you will be able to see them here. The libraries menu can look something like this:

You can click on the number to the right of these items to get the linked documents/library items shown in a view in the content panel.

If you for example have a floor plan in the documents section linked to a wall object you will be able to click on documents here to find the document in the document section.


If all your objects belong to one model you will be able to see information about the model revision here. This information includes:

Model image

Model name

Revision number

Date and time of publishing of the revision

Model revision publisher

Owner History

If there is information about the owner history of the revision in its IFC file, you will be able to find it displayed here.

This information can include:

The person that originally exported the model

The authoring tool that was used

When the model was exported
You might also be able to see if someone edited the model between export from authoring tool and import in Catenda Hub.

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