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Approval content
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated over a week ago

You will be able to find approvals on the approvals page.

On this page you will see 4 different areas:

Top banner


  1. Click on Documents in the breadcrumbs to be taken to the documents page.

  2. Click on Approvals in the breadcrumbs to be taken to the Approvals page.

  3. The Catenda Hub approval number

Approval navigation

Back to approvals button - Get taken back to the Approvals page.

Top Progress bar - Shows the approvals you can navigate to

Note: You can only navigate as many approvals as you had loaded on the approval page. You can load 100 approvals at a time by scrolling down the approval list view.
Unless you scroll all the way down on the approval page or there are less than 100 issues in the board.

This total number is therefore not indicative of the total approvals on the approvals page.

Previous and next buttons

Go to the previous or next approval in the filtered list of approvals

Approval Header


The user who will publish the approval

Created by

The user who created the approval

Due date / Milestone

The due date and/or milestone of the approval


The reviewers of an approval can look something like this:

Here you can assign reviewers that can make comments, approve or deny the documents in the approval.

Maximum reviewers: 20

Minimum reviewers

The minimum reviewers required to publish the approval without force publishing it.

Edit reviewers

After an approval has been made you can edit the list of reviewers by clicking on the pencil to the right of the minimum reviewers.

Access required: Approval creator or administrator

Approval Body


The description of the approval follows the general formatting rules of posts.

Drafts for approval

If a document has been found to be infected with a virus it will be removed from the approval.

Add draft

Administrators and the creator of the approval will be able to add drafts to this approval.

You can only add a draft to one approval at a time.

If a document has been found to be infected with a virus you will not be able to add it to the approval


This button will take you to the approval file review where you can inspect each draft and make a decision on whether you want to comment, approve, approve with comment, reject or do nothing with the draft.

Approve all - Click the dropdown next to review to approve all drafts with one simple click.


Drafts - The icon, document structure path and revision name of the draft that is to be approved.

File size - The size of the draft

Uploaded by - The user that uploaded the draft

Status - The draft status of the draft

File review status

The file review status either be Pending approval, Approved with comment, Approved or Rejected


If there is a comment in the approval you will see a preview of the last comment next to the file review status.

Approval comments follow the general formatting rules of posts.

Hamburger menu

Add review

If no reviewers are set anyone can add a review

If there are reviewers in the approval header only reviewers can add a review

By adding a review you can either comment, approve, approve with comment or reject each draft.

Remove from approval request - Here approval creators or administrators can remove a draft from the approval.

Bottom progress bar

Shows the how many drafts have been approved

Bottom buttons

Discard - The publisher can discard the approval


If enough reviewers have approved the approval the publisher can publish the approval

Force publish

If not enough reviewers have approved the approval the publisher can force publish the approval.

If no publisher is set for the approval anyone can force publish.

If a publisher is set for the approval only the publisher can force publish

Approval Right panel

This panel contains the approval history

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