You will be able to find the documents page as the fourth item in the left navigation menu in a project. This page is part of the content panel.
In the document management system you will be able to upload files and configure who has access to them.
The following topics will be described in this article:
New item actions
The new item actions can be found on the top right of the page.
See here for what the different actions do.
Search and filter options
See here to find out how best to search in the documents section
Right information menu
If you have selected any documents in the documents list you will see the info button for the right menu on the documents page. The info button can look something like this:
In the right information menu you will be able to see information about:
Document information
Document name
Naming convention
Custom fields
Revision information
Custom fields
Access control
Open approvals
Linked objects
Click here to read more about this information menu.
Documents table
The documents table can look something like this:
If you click on the name of a document in this table you will open latest public revision of the document.
1. Selected item actions
Without scrolling the documents section you can select up to 100 documents/folders.
If you scroll past 100 documents to load more documents on the page you will be able to select more.
Here you will be able to see how many documents you have selected.
If you have selected any documents you can click the minus in this checkbox to deselect all documents.
After selecting an item in the list the selected item actions menu will appear towards the top of the documents table. The selected item actions menu can look something like this.
Click here to read more about the selected item actions.
2. Documents table header row
Clicking on the header row of the documents list will sort the list according to that column.
The arrows will indicate which column is sorted and in which direction.
Adjusting width
You can drag on the line between columns in the header row to change their size to your liking. Your preference will be remembered until next time.
Double click the divider between columns to auto resize to the content of the column.
This is useful viewing long document names.
The widths you change will only change for the user and not all users in the project.
Adjusting column order
You can drag on the header row of a column to rearrange the order of your columns.
If you drag the header outside of the table it will be hidden.
To get the column back you will have to enable it again in the column drop down.
Click here to read more about the different columns in the documents list.
3. Compact view
This viewing options is especially useful on screens with low resolutions.
4. Columns dropdown
On the top right of the documents table you will find the "Columns" dropdown.
With this dropdown you can rearrange and toggle the columns of the table.
Your preference for column rearrangement and toggle will be remembered across the document section and projects and is stored in your account.
This means that it will still have that order if you close and re-order your browser.
If you have accidentally hidden a column by dragging it out of the table you can turn it on again here.
The current columns that are available are:
Checkbox - Default - Click on this column to add a document to your selection.
See document row for more selection options.
Name - Default - The name of the document
Note: The document name can be different from the revision or model name
Revision - Default - The amount of public and/or draft revisions in the document
Revision name - The name of the latest public document revision. Cannot be changed after upload.
Note: The revision name can be different from the document or model name
Model name - If the document is linked to a model you will see the name of the model here.
Note: The model name can be different from the document or model name
Status - Default - Here you can see the status of the latest public document revision.
Public statuses can be turned on in document settings.
Size - Default - The file size of the last public document revision
Labels - Default - The labels connected to the document
Created - The person that created the document and the date and time it was created.
Published - Default - The person that published the last published revision in the document and the date and time it was published.
Note: There can be more recent drafts in the document who's date will not show here as they are not published revisions
Links - Default - Shows the amount of objects that are linked to this document
Custom field n - One column per custom field that is added to the configured parent folder see document settings
5. Document checkbox
Select this checkbox to select the document.
6. Document row
Opening a document
You will be able to open the contents of the latest public revision of a document by:
Clicking on the name of the document
Double clicking on any of the white space in the row.
Selecting a row
Click once on any whitespace in the row to select it.
Click again after some time to deselect it again.
Be careful because if you click twice in rapid succession you will open the document.
You can also click the checkbox on the left. This way you will never accidentally enter the document.
Selection editing
If you hold control you can add/remove documents/folders to your selection
Selecting a range
If you hold shift you can select all documents between the document you click on and the closest selected document.
Note: If you select a row you will see right information panel appear on the right.
Right Information menu
If you select or enter a folder or file you will be able to find information about it in the right information menu.
Click here to read more about what kind of document information is available.
Sub pages
As sub pages to the documents page you will find the following pages: