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Access Control Levels
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated over a year ago

It is possible to configure access to many different places in Catenda Hub:

This article contains information about the following:

Organization tool

The highest access in Catenda is organization access.

This is usually given to one or a few trusted people in enterprise organizations or organizations with archives.

Members with organization access will have access to the organization tool.

This lets them see all members of all projects that are part of the organization without having to be part of the projects themselves.

Administrator access

Administrator always has full access to everything in a project.

It is therefore important to be careful when giving the administrator role to project members.

There are some parts of a project where only administrators have access.

Member access

Regular members can be given access to different parts of a project either by team or per member.

Specific member

Each member can be given their own access in different parts of a project.

Note: that a member might have access through one of their teams if they have not been given specific access.

No access



Full access


Members that are part of teams always get the highest access in different parts of a project that is given to any of the teams they are part of.

Note: that this can be overwritten by specific member access.

No access



Full access

Access overview

Document access can quickly become complicated and you can loose overview over who has access to which folder.

Members with full access to the document root can therefore look at the access overview to see who has access to what.

Project areas where access can be configured

Member access

Models ACL is the same as documents ACL with models as documents

Administrator access

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