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Withdraw revision

In this article, we discripe you, how to withdraw an revision.

Nils Aleweiler avatar
Written by Nils Aleweiler
Updated over a week ago

In the heat of data transfer, simple mistakes are sometimes made by uploading the wrong file or updating an existing document with the wrong revision. There is a new solution for this in Catenda HUB. It's called 'withdraw revision' and with this you can:

  • Remove unwanted or incorrectly uploaded revisions

  • avoid downloading and viewing of unwanted or incorrectly uploaded revisions

  • Keep a clean audit trail

This function is available in the document area for administrators and users with full access to the document.


Are you sure you want to withdraw this revision?

If you withdraw a revision, you will no longer be able to view or download it.

The revision is only displayed as withdrawn. This does not mean that it has been deleted. However, it can no longer be displayed. This action is now also displayed in the history.

If you now click on the withdrawn revision, an error message will be displayed in the document viewer.

Important note:
If a revision is withdrawn, you will not being able to recover a withdrawn revision.
It will have to be re-uploaded.

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