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Step 2 - Interface

Navigate to the main areas of your project environment

Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated yesterday

Find step 1 in getting started on the help center or in the help menu.

Once you login you will land on a page where a list of available projects is displayed.

Select your project to land in the project environment.

In left side menu you are presented with the following main function areas;

  • Documents: upload, download and view documents. In addition you can have a review session and communicate the results to the necessary parties.

  • Models: view and navigate through models and point clouds (IFC, e57, las). Federate various trade models and create topics based on interest points to communicate with other stakeholders.

  • Topics: create markups on models and/or documents to request, resolve and clarify points of interest in the project. This allows for open communication across all stakeholders.

Find step 3 in getting started on the help center or in the help menu.

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