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Models page
Julien Benoit avatar
Written by Julien Benoit
Updated over a week ago

You will be able to find the models page as the second page in the left navigation menu of a project. This page is part of the content panel.

The models page contains the models for each discipline.

The following topics will be described in this article:

New item actions

The new item actions can be found on the top right of the page.
See here for what the different actions do.

Models table

The models table can look something like this:

If you click on the model name of a model in this table you will open latest public revision of the model.

1. Model checkbox and row

Selecting a row

Select this checkbox to select the model.

You can also click once on any whitespace in the row to select it.

Click again after some time to deselect the row.

If you click the whitespace twice in rapid succession you will open the model.

Selection editing

If you hold control you can add/remove models to your selection

Selecting a range

If you hold shift you can select all models between the model you click on and the closest selected model.

Note 1: If you select a row you will see right information menu appear on the right.

Note 2: If you do not have access to the document that the model is linked to, you will not see its row in the models table.

2. Select all

Select all models in the models table.

When you open the models table 100 models are loaded. If you scroll down past 100 models you will load more models. The first time you check this box you will select all models you have loaded. Click on the check box again to deselect all models.

3. Selected item actions

After having selected a model you will see the selected item action appear towards the top of the models table. See here for what the different selected item actions do.

4. Models table header row


Clicking on the header row, the models table will sort the rows according to that column.

The arrows will indicate which column is sorted and in which direction.

The models table is sorted according to the typical sorting rules around Catenda.

Adjusting width

You can drag on the line between columns in the header row to change their size to your liking. Your preference will be remembered until next time.

Double click the divider between columns to auto resize to the content of the column.
This is useful viewing long model names.

The widths you change will only change for the user and not all users in the project.

Adjusting column order

You can drag on the header row of a column to rearrange the order of your columns.

If you drag the header outside of the table it will be hidden.

To get the column back you will have to enable it again in the column drop down.

5. Compact view

This viewing options is especially useful on screens with low resolutions.

6. Columns dropdown

On the top right of the models table you will find the "Columns" dropdown.

With this dropdown you can rearrange and toggle the columns of the table.

Your preference for column rearrangement and toggle will be remembered for each project you are part of.
This means that it will still have that order if you close and re-order your browser.

If you have accidentally hidden a column by dragging it out of the table you can turn it on again here.

The current columns that are available are:

Checkbox - Default - Selecting models

Click on this column to add a model to your selection. See the checkbox section for more selection options.

Viewer - Default - Loading buttons

If this is a new model and there are no public revisions yet this column will be empty.
After importing a model it will start processing. You will see a gray exclamation mark.
If the latest model revision has failed processing you will see a red exclamation mark.


Hover over the explanation mark to see which model has failed. Clicking on 3D will load the latest valid revision instead of the latest revision.
If there are any public revisions you will see a 2D, 3D and zoom to extents button here to be used together with the 2D viewer and 3D viewer.

Access required: Read access to the document model

Note1: The zoom to extents button will be gray until you load the model in 3D.

Note2: If there is an explanation mark on the 3D button and the 2D and 3D buttons are grayed out, hover over the explanation mark to see what is wrong.

You will still be able to open previous revision by clicking on the model name.

Name - Default - The name of the model

This is what the name column of a model can look like:

By default you will see a cube in front of the model name in this column.

An image representing the model can be uploaded in the right information menu.

If the model has an image, it will be displayed instead of the default cube. Click on the image to open the preview dialogue of the image.

The name that you see in this column is the model name of the model.

This is also the name you see in the revision selector.

It is recommended to add a number in front of the model name so the models show in order of importance in the revision selector. See sorting order here.

You can open the model overview page containing previous revisions that belong to a model by:

  1. Clicking on the name of the model

  2. Double clicking on any of the white space in the row.

Note1: The model name of the model can be different from the name of the document that is linked to the model or name of the revision.

Note2: If you do not have access to the document that the model is linked to, you will not see its row in the models table. You will still be able to see its model name in the revision selector.

Document name - The name of the document-model linked to the model-document.

Revision - Default - The amount of public revisions in the document-model

If a model has been added from the models page it will not have any revisions yet.
Instead of a revision number you will see the following icon which you can click to upload the first revision.

Revision comment - The comment the revision was uploaded with (legacy only)

Revision name - The name of the latest public document-model revision. Cannot be changed after upload.

Status - Default - The status of the latest public document-model revision. Public statuses can be turned on in document settings.

Size - Default - The file size of the last public document-model revision

Labels - Default - The labels connected to the model-document.

You will be able to apply a label after uploading the first revision.

Document created - The person that created the document-model and the date and time it was created.

Published - Default - The person that published the last published revision in the document-model and the date and time it was published.

7. Vertical scroll bar

Drag this bar to scroll the model table horizontally

8. Horizontal scroll bar

Drag this bar to scroll the model table vertically

Right information menu

If you select or enter a model you will be able to find information about it in its right information menu. This menu can be found by clicking on the "i" icon on the top right of the page.

Click here to read more about what kind of model information is available.

Sub pages

As sub pages to the models page you will be able to find the following pages:

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