Both in your notification settings and in your project notification settings you will be able to configure which notifications you would like to receive.
In which situation a notification gets sent for the different settings will be explained in this article. After the notification is sent it can be found again on the account notifications page and the project notifications page by opening the filter menu button on the left.
This article contains information about the following topics:
Saved filters - Date filters - Type - Project - Limit - Page - Obligatory
Saved filters
Click here to read more about how to save a set of filters.
Date filters
With the date filter you can select a timeframe for when notifications were sent.
From a week ago - dateFrom=last-week
Notifications from the past week.
From a month ago - dateFrom=last-month
If you navigate to the account notifications page it will be filtered by last months notifications by default.
From a year ago - dateFrom=last-year
Notifications from the past year.
Pick a date - date-from=<Epoch Unix Timestamp>&date-to=<Epoch Unix Timestamp>
Read this article to learn how to easily select dates on the page.
All notifications
To see all notifications you have ever received remove the dateFrom filter from the URL.
The type menu includes all filterable notification types.
Notifications are divided in the following types:
All - type=all
All notifications are sent both in the browser and via email by default.
If you go to a notifications page, it will be filtered by last months notifications by default.
If you remove the dateFrom filter from the URL and use the type=all filter you will be able to get see all notifications you have ever received.
Models - type=models
New model - type=new-model
The notification shows the name of the model that was created.
Notification click takes you to:
Model overview page of the project the model is created in.
Notification setting option:
A new model is created
Sent even if all checkboxes are unchecked in settings
Checkin failed - type=checkin-failed
If the formatting of your IFC file is somehow not recognized by our system
Import failed - type=import-failed
Could happen if your connection was interrupted while uploading.
Import completed - type=import-completed
When a model is finished processing
Notification setting option:
A new revision is imported
Export success - type=export-completed
When you model export has successfully finished zipping and is ready for download.
Notification setting option:
A new export is created
Topics- type=issues
New topic - type=new-issue
This is the only notification you get about a topic if you are not following the topic
Assignees, requestees and members that are mentioned in topics are automatically following the topic and will get the notifications below.
Notification setting option:
A new topic is created
New comment - type=new-comment
If you are neither the assignee nor the requestee of the topic but are following the topic you will get this notification.
This can happen if you were previously assigned, requester, mentioned or manually followed the topic. If you would not like future notifications of this topic you can unfollow the topic in its right information panel.
Notification setting option: assigned to me
A topic is assigned to you
Notification setting option: requested by me
A topic is requested by you
Notification setting option: followed by me
A topic is followed by you
Assigned to me - type=issue-assigned
Notification setting option:
A topic is assigned to me
Team assigned - type=issue-team-assigned
When a team is assigned to a topic
Mentioning me - type=issue-mentioned
Notification setting options:
A topic is mentioning me or one of my teams
Team mentioned - type=issue-team-mentioned
Notification setting options:
A topic is mentioning me or one of my teams
Status updated - type=status-updated
If you are neither the assignee nor the requestee of the topic but are following the topic you will get this notification.
This can happen if you were previously assigned, requester, mentioned or manually followed the topic. If you would not like future notifications of this topic you can unfollow the topic in its right information panel.
Notification setting option: assigned to me
A status is updated in a topic assigned to you
Notification setting option: requested by me
A status is updated in a topic requested by you
Notification setting option: followed by me
A status is updated in a topic followed by you
Type updated - type=type-updated
If you are neither the assignee nor the requestee of the topic but are following the topic you will get this notification.
This can happen if you were previously assigned, requester, mentioned or manually followed the topic. If you would not like future notifications of this topic you can unfollow the topic in its right information panel.
Notification setting options:
Assigned to me - A type is updated in a topic assigned to you
Requested by me - A type is updated in a topic requested by you
Followed by me - A type is updated in a topic followed by you
Sent even if all checkboxes are unchecked in settings
Move success - type=issues-move-success
Shows the amount of topics that were moved and to which topic board they were moved.
Move failed - type=issues-move-failed
Shows the amount of topics that failed to move and to which topic board they failed to move to.
Import failed - type=issues-import-failed
Shows what type of topic import failed to import and which topic board it failed to import to.
Possible topic import types: BCF
Import completed - type=issues-import-success
Shows what type of topic import was successfully imported and which topic board it was imported to.
Possible topic import types: BCF
Export failed - type=issues-export-failed
Shows what type of topic export failed and which topic board it failed to export from.
Possible topic export types: BCF 2.0, BCF 2.1, BCF 2.0, PDF, Excel
Export success - type=issues-export-success
Shows what type of topic export successfully imported and which topic board it was exported from.
Possible topic export types: BCF 2.0, BCF 2.1, BCF 2.0, PDF, Excel
Documents - type=documents
Document added - type=document-created
Notification setting option: A document or a folder is created
New document revision - type=document-revision-uploaded
Notification setting option: A new document revision is uploaded
Virus detected - type=document-file-infected
If a document is detected to be infected with a virus a notification will receive a notification regardless of email summary setting.
A notification will also be sent to the administrators in the project of the infected document.
The notification will state who uploaded what document where.
If your email notifications are completely off this notification will not be sent as an email notification. You will still get the notification in Catenda Hub even if Catenda Hub notifications are turned off.
Note: This notification will be sent even if all notifications have been disabled
Document removed - type=document-deleted
Notification setting option: A document or a folder is deleted
Documents removed - type=documents-deleted
Notification setting option: A document or a folder is deleted
Documents uploaded - type=documents-uploaded
Notification sent if: A document has been uploaded by another user
Document approval
Notification setting options:
I am set as the publisher in an approval request
A team I am a member of is set as the publisher in an approval request
I am set as a reviewer for an approval request
New comment in approval request
Zip extraction complete
Notification sent if: A zip folder is successfully imported.
Note: This notification will be sent even if all notifications have been disabled
Your zip download is ready
If you have downloaded multiple documents at once a zip will be prepared.
This zip can be downloaded from the notification at any time even if you should close the browser and re-open it.
Click on the "Click to download (...MB)" text part of the notification to download the zip file.
If you just click on the notification it will just refresh the page.
The name of the downloaded zip will be <Download GUID>.zip in contrast to the name of the zip you automatically get if you wait for the zip to finish zipping after clicking on download which is <Projectname>-<Documents>-<Timestamp>.zip
Notification sent to: The user that has downloaded the documents.
Note: This notification will be sent even if all notifications have been disabled
Collections - type=document-collections
Collection finalized - type=library-item-collection-finalized
Notification sent if: You or a team you are part of is set as follower of a collection and the collection is finalized.
Notification setting option: Collection finalized
Followed a collection - type=library-item-collection-made-follower
Notification sent if: You or a team you are part of was added as follower to a collection.
Notification setting option: Followed a collection
Unfollowed a collection - type=library-item-collection-removed-follower
Notification sent if: You or a team you are part of was removed from a collection.
Notification setting option: Unfollowed a collection
Collection updated - type=library-item-collection-updated
Notification sent if: A collection is shared with the project and you or a team you are part of have been set as a follower.
Notification setting option: Collection updated
Collection made private - type=library-item-collection-made-private
Notification sent if: You, or a team you are part of, are set as follower of a collection that is shared with the project and the collection is made private.
Notification setting option: Collection made private
Collection deleted - type=library-item-collection-deleted
Notification sent if: You are an administrator and another administrator deletes a collection in the project.
Notification setting option: Collection deleted
Collection shared externally - type=library-item-collection-shared-externally
Notification sent if: You are an administrator and and another administrator shares a collection in the project externally.
Notification setting option: Collection shared externally
Members - type=members
New invite - type=invite
Notification sent if:
Another user sends you an invitation to a project.
The notification describes who invited you and to which project you were invited.
If you received this notification you should also have received an email with an invitation link that you can click on to accept the invitation.
Please check here fore email troubleshooting.
Note: The notification on Catenda Hub also includes the invitation link so you can also click on the notification to accept the invitation. If you do not have an account yet you might have to create one and be invited again to be able to click on the notification.
Notification setting option: A person is invited to the project
New member - type=member-accept-invitation
Notification sent if: A user accepts an invitation sent by another user you will get a notification that a new member has joined the project.
Notification setting option: A new user has joined the project
Added to team - type=member-added-to-team
Notification sent if: You have been added to a team.
New team member - type=project-member-added-to-team
Notification setting option: A member is added to a team
Project name - projects=<Project GUID>
Amount of notifications per page - limit=<Notification amount>
Note that it might take longer for the page to load with more notifications.
Current page of notifications - page=<Page number>
Obligatory notifications
There are some notifications that will be sent even if you have unchecked all the checkboxes in notification settings.
Sent even if all checkboxes are unchecked
Any type of import or export that processes in the background will produce a notification about the result of the import whether it has imported or failed.
If you turn off notifications completely with the on/off button on the top right these notifications will not be sent either.
Sent even if all notifications disabled
Notifications about links shared with users via the sharelink function will always create notification for the user even if a user has turned off notifications completely with the on/off button on the top right of the notification settings page.