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Actions in a Topic board
Julien Benoit avatar
Written by Julien Benoit
Updated over a week ago

The action buttons can be located in different places on the topics page depending on folder(s)/document(s) selection and on what access settings you have. All action buttons will be listed in their hamburger menus that can look something like this:


This article contains information about the following topics:

New item actions

The plus button and hamburger menu items can be found towards the top right of the page and can look something like this:

The actions you are able to find here all have to do with creating new information.

Selected item actions that have to do with existing items on the page can also be found towards the top of the list after making a selection.

New topic

Click here to read more about making a new topic

Access required: Write or full access in a topic board

Exchange topics

With exchange you will be able to import and export topics.

Available import file formats are: BCF

Available import file formats are: BCF, Excel, PDF

Read more about exchanging topics here

Access required: Read access to a topic board

Note: Exporting topics is only possible in a single topics board and will not be available in the all topics board.


Import history

This will show the topics that have been imported and where they have been uploaded to.

Export history

This will show the export history inside topics. You will also be able to download the exports from here, PDF, Excel and BCF reports.

Move history

This will show the topics that have been moved and where they have been moved to across all the topic boards in the project.

Selected item actions

Copy link

With the copy link action you will be able to copy the link of your selected topic(s).

The copy link action can be found by clicking on the copy link icon or by opening the hamburger menu and clicking on the copy link action.

When this link is opened you will only see the selected topics filtered in the list.

Access required: Users opening the link will need read access to the topic board

Export topics

With the export topics action you will be able to export topic(s).

The export topics action will open up the export topics dialogue.

Here you will be able to export all topics in the board, filtered topics and selected topics.

Available file formats are: BCF, Excel, PDF

Note: It is only possible to export topics from one board at a time. The option might therefore disappear if you select topics from multiple boards in the all topics board.


With the follow action you will be able to follow the selected topic.

Following a topic will give you notifications about changes that are made to the topic.

Note 1: If you were previously assigned, set as requester, mentioned or manually followed the topic you will automatically be following the topic.

Note 2: If a topic you are following is moved to a board you do not have access to you will still be following it but will no longer get notifications about it.


If you are following the selected topic you can use the unfollow action to stop following it.

You will then no longer get notifications about the topic.

Access required: Read access to the board the topic is in

Move topic

With this action you can move the topic to a different topic board.

Access required: Project administrator

Delete topic

With this action you can delete your selected topic(s).

Only delete topics if you know you do not need the data later as it might take us up to 2 weeks to recover a topic from a backup after contacting support.

If you want to hide topics you can either remove someone's access to the list.

The topic will then still show up if it is linked to document and objects.

To completely hide a topic from project members you can move it to another list and archive the list. Then it will no longer show up in linked documents and objects.

Access required: Full access to the topic board

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