Hamburger menu - Issue board
Julien Benoit avatar
Written by Julien Benoit
Updated over a week ago

This dropdown menu you will see from the main issue window on the right side.


Issue board list

From here you have a complete overview of all the issues boards. You can enter statistics for the different issue boards, and jump straight into the issue board itself.

From here you can also see Archived issue boards.

New issue board


Here you will open the window to create a new issue board.

Fill in the name and description and press add. Only an admin can create new issue boards, or if you are given the rights to it.


Here you will open the statistics page for the issue board you're in.

Import history

This will show the issues that have been imported and where they have been uploaded to.

Export history

This will show the export history inside issues. You will also be able to download the exports from here, PDF, Excel and BCF reports.

Move history

This will show the issues that have been moved and where they have been moved to across all the issue boards in the project.

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