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Columns on the documents page
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated over a week ago

In the documents table on the documents page you will be able to see several columns which can be turned on and off with the column dropdown.
Columns can also be dragged out of the documents table to be hidden.


Select the checkbox on the top row to select all documents in this folder.

You can also select documents one by one by selecting the checkbox on the left side.

Icon column

The icon column is always on.


The document name.

The name of the document as it is seen in the documents section.

Click on the letters of the name to enter the latest revision of the document or see the content of the folder.

Members with full permission will be able to change this name by entering the document and clicking on the pencil next to the name.

Keep in mind that this can be different from the original file name of the revisions inside the document.

If you hover over the name column you will see that a grid of dots appears to the right of the document name. If you mouse over this you will see you cursor change to a hand.
Dragging this grid icon will let you drag the file/folder to another folder to move it to that folder.


The amount of revisions in the document

Each revisions can have their own revision name, creation date, file size, and owner.

Revision name

The name of the latest revision in the document. This is the name of the file that was originally uploaded and cannot be changed. As there can be multiple revisions in a document this name can be different from the document name.

Model name - Models as documents only

If models as documents has been enabled for your project you will see the name of any connected models here. This model name is meant to be an easily understandable name so people know what model they are opening.

Viewer - Models as documents only

This column will let you open previews of ifc files and point clouds in the 3D viewer.

If models as documents is enabled for your project you can directly open the 2D view or 3D view of the document-model from the table view.

The center button will let you center on this model if it is loaded in 3D.
Here is an example of what an ifc document that is connected to a model can look like:

Status - Document statuses only

If document statuses have been enabled in document settings a document can either have no status, a public status or a draft status.


The size of the latest revision in the document


Any labels applied to the document or folder will be listed here


The person who published the latest public revision of the document. If document statuses have been enabled in document settings this person and date can be different from the document creator as the document may have been uploaded as a draft and published at a later date by a different person.


Objects linked to document. If you click on this you will be able to do the following:

Select objects

Isolate objects

Load objects as query.


The user that created the document and when they created it.

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