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Projects page
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated over a week ago

The projects screen is the first screen you encounter after signing in to Catenda Hub.

On the projects page you will see a complete list of all projects you are a member of.

Open a project

Click on the project thumbnail or chosen project in the projects list.

You will then be taken to the Dashboard of the project.

Left menu

In the left menu you will be able see the following menus:

Top buttons

If your current plan and access allows for it, you can create a new project by clicking this button. Otherwise, to create a new project contact support by clicking on the black chat button next to your profile picture on the top right or send an email to

We will be happy to upgrade your plan and guide you through creating it.



Anyone - default

Projects can be owned by users and organizations.

If a trial project is created, the user is set as owner of the project.

Our clients often have their projects gathered in one or more organizations.

Filter projects by name

When you filter the thumbnails of your favorite projects disappear and the projects matching the filter will be displayed.

Project shortcuts


You can mark the project as a favorite by clicking on the star next to each project in the projects list. All projects marked as favorites will appear with thumbnails above the projects list.


The Map tab will show the location of all project you are apart of on a zoomable world map. This is based on the geolocation for each project, see Geolocation.

Projects list

If it is your first time inside Catenda Hub you need to be invited to a project to have projects appear in this list.
If you are a member of any projects you will see it in the list of projects here.

If you have made a project with the new project button you will automatically be added to the project.

If an organization owner makes a project through the organization tool they will have to add themselves to the project before it shows up int this list.


To the left of the project you will find a star which can be clicked to favorite that project.


Projects are sorted according to the typical sorting order around Catenda.

Last updated

The date the project was last updated


If your project has expired you will see red text next to the project saying the project has expired.

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