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Actions in the document structure
Julien Benoit avatar
Written by Julien Benoit
Updated over 5 months ago

The action buttons can be located in different places on the documents page depending on folder(s)/document(s) selection and on what access settings you have. All action buttons will be listed in their hamburger menus that can look something like this:


This article contains information about the following topics:

New item actions

The plus button and hamburger menu items can be found towards the top right of the page and can look something like this:

The actions you are able to find here all have to do with creating new information.

Selected item actions that have to do with existing items on the page can also be found towards the top of the list after making a selection.


Both the plus button and the upload action will open up the upload 'upload a document menu'. Click here to see how the upload dialogue works.

Access required: Write access to the folder you are in or to the document(s) or folder(s) in the folder you are in. Access to uploading draft revisions with read only access can also be given in project settings.

New folder

To make a new folder in the document location you are currently in you can use the new folder action button. The new folder dialogue that opens up can look something like this:

When you are creating a document structure or have to make many folders at a time it can be tedious to have to click on the new folder button many times.
To make many folder at once it can help to prepare the folders externally and upload them all at once with the upload zip action.

Access required: Write access to the folder you are currently in

Upload zip

The upload zip action will let you extract the contents of a zip file in the document structure. It is also possible to upload a zip document with the upload action button but then you just get it as a zipped file and you do not see the contents of the zip file.

Click here to read more about how to upload a zip to Catenda.

Access required:

Write access to the folder you are currently in.

If you use the create new draft option:

Write access to the folders with the same name and structure location as folders in the zip relative to where you upload the zip

Write access to the documents you might be adding revisions to.

My zip uploads

The my zip uploads action will let you see an overview of your previous zip uploads

Selected item actions

After selecting one or more document(s) you will be able to see the following action menu appear towards the top of the documents table. The existing item actions menu can look something like this:


With the download action you will be able to download your selected items and their contents either by clicking on the download icon on top or by opening the hamburger menu and clicking on the download action.

If you have one document selected you will get that document while if you have more than one item selected you will get them all as one zip file.

Access required: full access to your selected document(s) and/or folder(s)


With the move action you will be able to move your documents to another location either by pressing the move icon on top or by clicking on the move action in the hamburger menu.

After pressing the move button you will get a window that asks you where you want to move the document(s) and/or folder(s) to.

Access required: full access to your selected document(s) and/or folder(s) and write access to the location you are moving to.

Link and unlink

When you select a document you will see the link and unlink icons next to the download icon or in the hamburger menu. These options might be grayed out if you do not have object of a model in the 3D panel selected.

After both selecting document(s) in the documents section of the content panel and an object(s) of model(s) in the 3D viewer you will be able to link and unlink your object(s) to the document(s).

Access required: read or write access to your selected document(s) and read access to at least one document-model


To preview your selected document(s) you can can either click on the preview action button in the hamburger menu or click on the icon of the document in the documents list.

You will then get a preview dialogue which you can use to easily preview the different documents without having to open the page of each document.

This is especially nice if you are trying to preview many images but can also be useful if you need to see two documents next to each other as you can pin the preview so it stays open.

Access required: Read access

Note: Folders and draft documents cannot be previewed in the preview dialogue.

Draft documents can still be previewed on their document page.

3D Models

If your document can be loaded in the 3D viewer you will be able to click on the 3D action button to load the selected document-models and/or point clouds in the 3D viewer.

This action is only available if you have selected IFC(s) (IFC and IFCZip) that are linked to models in the models section, point cloud(s) (Las and e57) and/or Gml documents

It is also possible to load the preview of ifc documents that are not linked to models in the 3D viewer but those will have to be loaded from the revision dropdown inside the document.

Access required: Read access to the ifc, ifczip, las, e57 or gml document

New revision

If you have selected one document you will be able to upload a new revision by clicking on the new revision action in the hamburger menu. This will open the file explorer and there you can choose the file you want to upload.

Uploading a file like this will create a new revision and not a new document.

It is one possible to upload new revisions to one document at a time with the action button. If you wish to upload multiple revisions to multiple documents in the folder you can do so with the upload action button.

Access required: Write access to the selected document

New draft

If you have document statuses enabled in document settings you will be able to upload a new draft.

If you have selected one document and click on the new draft action in the hamburger menu the file explorer will open and you will be able to choose the file you want to upload.

New draft can only be uploaded to one document at a time with the new draft action button. If you wish to upload multiple drafts to multiple documents in the folder you can do so with the upload action.

Access required: Write access to the document and access to uploading drafts in project settings.

Create model

Create model

If models as documents has been enabled for your project you will be able to create a model in the models section that is linked to your selected ifc or ifczip document(s) by clicking this the create models button. The model-document(s) will have the same name as the document-model(s) that will be linked to it. If a link to a model was previously removed from the selected document(s) it will remember its model name and get the previous model name which might be different from the current document name.

Access required: Write access to create and remove models in project settings

Remove model

If models as documents has been enabled for your project you will be able to remove models. Removing a model will only remove the model-document in the models section.
The document will remain in the documents section and a model can later be created from the same document again.

Access required: Write access to create and remove models in project settings


With the delete action you will be able to delete folder(s) or document(s). When you press the delete button you will get a window that asks you if you are sure if you want to delete the document(s).
Administrators will be able to recover deleted documents by searching for the deleted filter in the documents section.

Access required:

Full access to the selected document(s)

Full access to the selected folder(s) and their contents

Current folder actions

If you have opened a folder, but not selected anything the right information menu will show actions for the folder you are in.

The right information menu might be closed and you may have to click on the arrow on the right side to open it.

These actions can look something like this:

Because you have not selected anything the selected item actions will not show towards the top of the documents table. Instead you will be able to perform actions on the folder you are in with the icons and hamburger menu in the right information menu.

Access required:

Download: Read access to the current folder

Move: Full access to the current folder and write access to the location you are moving the folder to.

Delete: Full access to the current folder and its contents.

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