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Topic Header - The subject of a topic
Topic Header - The subject of a topic
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated over 6 months ago

If you select an topic from an topic board a new window will appear for that topic.

This is what an topic can look like:

1. You will find the topic header below the topic navigation in the top banner of an topic.

2. The topic header will be described in this article

3. To the right of the topic body and header you will find the right information menu.

4. Below the header of an topic you will find the topic body.

This is what the header of a topic can look like:

This article contains information about the following topics:


Highest up in the topic header you will see the title/subject of the topic.

You will see a pencil next to the title which you can use to change the name of the topic.

Access required: Write access to the topic board the topic is in

Status and type

Depending on the settings that are set by users with full access to the topic board, statuses and types can be configured in different ways in the topic board settings.
The top status or type will always be default and can be changed before submitting the topic.
The order of the statuses and types in the dropdown list can also be set by the configurator.


Here you choose the current status of the topic.

The default statuses you can choose between are:

Active (Open)

In-progress (Open)

Resolved (Open)

Approved (Closed)

Rejected (Closed)

You can edit these or create your own statuses.

When should you apply which status?

Normally you choose open when you are creating a new topic.
Optionally you can choose a candidate status if you want to submit the topic but imply that you are not done editing it yet.

Then when the topic has been handled by the assigned user the person verifying that the topic has been handled will change the status to closed.


Here you choose the type of topic you are creating.

The default types you can choose between are Error, Warning, Info and Unknown.

You can also create your own types.


Assigned to

Here you can assign the topic to a specific member or a team.

If you know who will be responsible for the topic they should be the assignee.

It is recommended that you set a member as assignee because shared responsibility causes none of the team members to personally feel responsible.

If you would still like to let the other team members know they are assigned you can choose member@team.

This can be useful if you want this topics notifications to show up on both the members member page and teams page.

The assignee will automatically follow the topic and thereby get notifications about future changes in the topic.

One drawback with assigning a member instead of a team is that only that member gets notifications about the topic.

This can be solved by mentioning other members in the description or comment so they automatically follow the topic and as a result get notifications about future changes in the topic.

Requested by

Here you normally set yourself as requester, but you can choose any member here.

You would set someone else here if you were making the topic for someone else.

The requestee will automatically follow the topic and thereby get notifications about future changes in the topic.

Time and place


  • Add marker - Opens up 3D panel and the default storey of the 2D viewer. Here you will be able to place your marker on the storey where you would like to have it.

  • View marker in 2D - Opens up the 3D panel and loads in the 2D viewer configuration that was configured at the time of marker creation. This means the right 2D views are loaded in and the right storey is selected.

Due date and milestone

Due dates and milestones can help you track progress on the statistics page.

Due date

If you know set a due date or leave it blank.

Due dates are good to set even if you don't know the exact date just to get into the habit of setting them.


Pin the topic to a milestone or leave it blank.

Milestone icon

If the date is more than one week from now the icon will be gray.

If the date is one week from now the icon will be orange.

If it has been more than 48 hours since the date passed the icon will be red.


Add an existing label or enter a new one to create it.

Note: If someone removes a label while you are working with your topic you will see it stricken through to indicate that this label has been removed.

Custom fields

You can add your own fields to the headers of topics in an topic board.

These fields can be set as mandatory.

These fields can be:

  • Text

  • Integer

  • Decimal number

  • Dropdown

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