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Changelog 5 Catenda - April 2024
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated over 10 months ago

Hello everyone,

The winter is finally over and the sun has started shining again. Even here in Norway!

Now that easter has passed the summer is right around the corner! ☀️😎🏖️

But do not go on vacation quite yet because we have been making some changes.

In this article you will find updates about the following:


As new features roll out and bugs are fixed articles are updated with the changes that are made. Please find the following articles that have been made and changed since the last changelog.

New articles:

Getting started and FAQ

Main page



Plugins and integrations

Articles that have changed:

Recent updates

Main page




Information panel


Plugins and integrations

Catenda Site

Bugs Resolved

Thanks to your valuable feedback we have been able to squash many topics that you may or may not have noticed existed. Below is a list of smaller changes that have been made by the development team as a result of conversations with users.


  • If you specify a default value for a custom field in a topic board there will automatically be a value in the field when making the topic. It is now also possible to make a topic if you remove that value so the field is empty.

  • Closed topics that have passed their due date now have the same color for the due date icon in the topic board and in the topic itself.

  • The "overdue" filter has been changed to "passed due date" which is more correct as this filter does not consider when the topic was closed in relation to the due date.


  • Documents downloaded from document previews will now have the downloaded filename set according to the document naming option set for the project

  • Documents downloaded from the revision menu in the right information menu will now have the downloaded filename set according to the document naming option set for the project

  • Labels are once again visible in the filter menu in the documents section

  • It is now possible to also make models from documents that have capital letter IFC in their extension.

  • If you view a document in a collection there is no longer a white sheet covering the the names of the other documents in the collection.

  • It is now possible to open multiple ifc documents/point clouds in the 3D viewer at once

  • Document statuses can once again be changed from within the document.

  • It is once again possible to see 3D previews for ifc files in the documents section.


  • It is once again possible to see previous revisions in the revision selector

  • Model transformation is once again applied if you open a model from the revision selector.

  • Model transformation is now properly applied if you open a model from the models pages with models as documents activated.

  • It is once again possible to see previous revisions in the revision selector after selecting a previous revision of another model.

  • Bookmarks that have been copied will now display a checkmark to indicate that they have been copied so you do not try to copy them again.

  • You can now cross out the filter on the bookmarks page which will display all bookmarks.

  • It is once again possible to copy bookmarks with selected objects in them.

  • Transparency specified in IFC 4 models is now correctly displayed in our viewer.

  • Clipping planes are now created much faster allowing them to be worked with in models where this was taking a long time.


  • It is once again possible to import classification CSVs in classification libraries.

  • It is once again possible to connect SharePoint Libraries.

Plugins and integrations

  • It is once again possible to log into the Navisworks plugin.


  • Added info text about the fact that a user has to be administrator or owner to copy the folder structure from a project upon creating a project from a template.

  • The chat bubble used to contact support on the bottom right has been moved to the top right of the page as it was covering webpage elements like the info button in the 3D viewer and the save button in the topic right information panel.

User voices completed


It is now possible to comment text comments on multiple topics at a time.

This option can be found in the right information menu after selecting two or more topics.


Preview of video formats are now supported: mp4, ogg and webM


It is now possible for administrators to delete bookmarks made my users. This is especially useful when a user is no longer part of the project.

Bookmarks can now also be updated after they have been created so you do not have to delete your previous bookmark and make a new one.

New releases - Catenda Site, Plugins and integrations

Catenda Hub:

Catenda Site v3.4.2:
App store
Play store

Tekla plugin v1.1.2:

Archicad plugin v1.0.1.11:

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