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Changelog 7 Catenda - December, 2024
Changelog 7 Catenda - December, 2024
Sjaak Velthoven avatar
Written by Sjaak Velthoven
Updated over 3 months ago

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all gettting ready for the winter holidays. In the last couple of months we have been busy at work while it has been getting colder and colder outside!

In this article you will find updates about the following:


As new features roll out and bugs are fixed articles are updated with the changes that are made. Please find the following articles that have been made and changed since the last changelog.

New articles:

Getting started and FAQ

Video tutorials



Project settings

Plugins and integrations

Articles that have changed:

Getting started

Frequently asked Questions

Main page






Project notifications

Project settings

2D & 3D viewers

Quantity Take Off (QTO)

Information panel


Plugins and integrations

Catenda Site

Bugs Resolved

Thanks to your valuable feedback we have been able to squash many topics that you may or may not have noticed existed. Below is a list of smaller changes that have been made by the development team as a result of conversations with users.


  • It is once again possible to retract filter menus

  • It is not longer possible to upload documents in the case where the folder you are in has been deleted. In the past the upload button would default to the root folder. While the upload menu shows what folder you upload to, uploading when your folder path is invalid has been disabled to prevent users from accidentally sharing files with the whole project.

  • It is once again possible to add documents to collections

  • When we have been unable to scan a document (possibly because it is too large) for viruses a message of a possible detected virus will no longer be displayed.

  • It is once again possible to download documents with their annotations on the top left of the documents (This will be removed when we make the change to save annotations to a new revision)

  • Point clouds can once again be properly uploaded without problem.

  • Documents are no longer refreshed when you change a custom field value


  • It is once again possible to retract filter menus.

  • It is now much faster for projects with many models to load the dashboard page.

    • Loading model information in the content panel is now about 100 times faster.

  • It is once again possible to select previous revisions when comparing models.

  • It is once again possible to load models in the 3D view of bookmarks.

  • It is once again possible to hide grids in 3D.

  • Window openings are now properly cut through flat sections of curved IFC 4 walls.

  • Objects selected from the tree view are once again properly highlighted.

  • It is once again possible to isolate objects from property libraries and linked objects.

  • Object color/material

    • Some colors that displayed previously are now once again showing properly.

    • Objects no longer appear black instead of their appropriate color.

    • Windows are once again transparent.

  • 2D views have been re-processed for a few models so they are no longer missing.

  • It is once again possible to see object properties in the right information panel.

Project settings

  • It is once again possible to type freely in the description and length fields in custom fields settings.

  • It is now also possible to paste a ; separated email list in the member invite field

  • It is now also possible to have a space after the , or ; in the comma separated paste string of the member invite field.

User voices completed


  • When adding documents to a collections it is now possible to check a box towards the top to select all documents in a folder and add them to a collection.

  • As a bonus improvement it is now also possible to select which revision of a document you want to add to a collection so the right one appears when you lock the collection to document revisions instead of following the latest revision.

  • Users with full access to a document will now be able to withdraw a revision of a document and thereby also a model if it is an ifc document.

  • It is now possible to add a custom logo to the topic reports that are exported to PDF.
    The logo settings can be found on the projects page.

  • You can now split your project in a published area and a shared so you can give different people access to a public part and a shared part where documents are still being prepared for publishing. (Please ask to have this enabled on your project) Only the published documents will be visible in Catenda Site


  • The set of objects that are part of a selection can now be updated. This makes it so you don't have to create a new selection every time you want to change the set of objects you want to be part of your selection.

  • IFCCOLORRGB is now properly displayed for IFC4 models

  • Information in your IFC files is now searchable. (Also information that is not connected to any objects like the project GUID) This can be done with a new feature called Product Query. Please ask for this to be enabled in your project.

  • You can now split your project in a published area and a shared so you can give different people access to a public part and a shared part where models are still being prepared for publishing. (Please ask to have this enabled on your project) Only the published models will be visible in Catenda Site

New releases - Catenda Site, Plugins and integrations

Catenda Site v3.5.1:
App store
Play store

With the new shared workflow, only published models and documents will be visible.

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